1. Opening of the First Administrative General Plenary Session (the Netherlands) 2. Presentation and approval of the agenda (the Netherlands) PART I: GENERAL ISSUES IX EUROSAI CONGRESS 3. Presentation and adoption of the Congress’ Rules of Procedure (the Netherlands) 4. Introduction to Observers and Guests of the Congress (the Netherlands) PART II: EUROSAI ACTIVITY AND FINANCIAL ISSUES 5. Report on the EUROSAI Presidency 2011-2014  (Portugal) 6. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2014 EUROSAI Activity Report (Spain) Intro Governing Board (GB) Thank you Welcome Salient point GT & committees Cooperations Launched a new website Implement strategic plan Wrap-up 7. EUROSAI 2011-2013 Accounts and Financial Report and Auditors' Reports 7.1 Presentation of the EUROSAI 2011-2013 Accounts and Financial Report (Spain) 7.2 Presentation of the 2011-2013 EUROSAI Auditors' Reports (Slovak Republic and Estonia) 7.3 Approval of the 2011-2013 EUROSAI Accounts and Financial Report and Auditors' Report (the Netherlands) PART III: OTHER EUROSAI-RELATED ISSUES 8. Introduction of the Theme Session and Designation of Reporting Procedure (the Netherlands) 9. Suspension of the 1st Administrative General Plenary Session for Keynote Speaker Mr Ben Verwaayen (45min) 10. AOB 11. Closing of the 1st Administrative General Plenary Session (the Netherlands)