1. Opening of the Second Administrative General Plenary Session (the Netherlands) 2. Presentation and approval of the agenda (the Netherlands) PART I: RESULTS OF THE IX EUROSAI CONGRESS Want Preamble Conclusions are Voluntary Non binding France Turkey Culture & leadership Considerations Recommendations Italy Switzerland, suggestion for a 5th recommendation Delivery the message Open data Discussion Redraft Final Document PART II: REPORTING ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EUROSAI STRATEGIC PLAN 4. Presentation of the Strategic Plan mid-term review and Goal Team 4 reporting (Portugal) Intro Story Midterm Review Report Flower for everyone from Portugal who contributed from 5. Presentation of the 2011-2014 Goal Team 1 Progress Report (France) Intro Part 1 Part 2 6. Presentation of the 2011-2014 Goal Team 2 Progress Report (Germany) 7. Presentation of the 2011-2014 Goal Team 3 Progress Report (Czech Republic) Intro Discuss strategies GT3 Second implementation strategy Future Wrap-up 8. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2017 EUROSAI Strategic Plan update (Portugal) 9. Presentation and approval of the EUROSAI Communication Framework (the Netherlands) 10. Information on the follow-up of the EUROSAI Declaration on Independence (Portugal, France and Hungary) Independence is important for external public audit Hungary France 11. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2014 Activity Report and draft resolution of the EUROSAI IT Working Group (Switzerland) Intro Saskia Michel Poland Approval 12. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2014 Activity Report and draft resolution of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Audit (Norway) Intro Activities Sound & solid methodology Sunrise Approval 13. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2014 Activity Report and draft resolution of the EUROSAI Task Force on Audit of Funds Allocated to Catastrophes and Disasters (Ukraine) Prolong mandate to 2014 Monitoring result Taskforce Wrap-up Approval 14. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2014 Activity Report and draft resolution of the EUROSAI Task Force on Audit and Ethics (Portugal) Task Force: audits & ethics Activities Approval 15. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2014 Activity Report and draft resolution of the Monitoring Committee for setting up and operating the electronic data base on “Good Practices on Audit Quality” (Hungary) Intro Database launched in 2011 Approval PART III: ORGANIZATIONAL AND FINANCIAL EUROSAI ISSUES 16. Presentation and approval of the EUROSAI Budget 2015-2017 and the annual financial Contributions of EUROSAI members (Spain) 17. Presentation of candidates and election of two new Members of the EUROSAI Governing Board (Spain) 18. Presentation of candidates and election of EUROSAI Auditors (Spain) PART IV: EUROSAI COOPERATION 19. Cooperation EUROSAI-IDI (Norway) 20. Cooperation with INTOSAI Regional Working Groups (Spain) 21. Cooperation with other partners: EUROSAI-ECIIA Agreement (Belgium) PART V: OTHER ISSUES 22. Presentation and approval of the host SAI of the X EUROSAI Congress (Turkey) 23. AOB 24. Closing of the 2nd Administrative General Plenary Session (the Netherlands)