4. Presentation of the Strategic Plan mid-term review and Goal Team 4 reporting (Portugal) 5. Presentation of the 2011-2014 Goal Team 1 Progress Report (France) 6. Presentation of the 2011-2014 Goal Team 2 Progress Report (Germany) 7. Presentation of the 2011-2014 Goal Team 3 Progress Report (Czech Republic) 8. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2017 EUROSAI Strategic Plan update (Portugal) 9. Presentation and approval of the EUROSAI Communication Framework (the Netherlands) 10. Information on the follow-up of the EUROSAI Declaration on Independence (Portugal, France and Hungary) 11. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2014 Activity Report and draft resolution of the EUROSAI IT Working Group (Switzerland) 12. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2014 Activity Report and draft resolution of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Audit (Norway) 13. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2014 Activity Report and draft resolution of the EUROSAI Task Force on Audit of Funds Allocated to Catastrophes and Disasters (Ukraine) 14. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2014 Activity Report and draft resolution of the EUROSAI Task Force on Audit and Ethics (Portugal) 15. Presentation and approval of the 2011-2014 Activity Report and draft resolution of the Monitoring Committee for setting up and operating the electronic data base on “Good Practices on Audit Quality” (Hungary)