How to use new media? Zero error culture is a barrier to innovation! How can we become more innovative? Globalisation: how to cooperate? Data: how to separate the signal from the noise? How to do more with less? How to maintain independence? How to deliver our message? Best use of our reports!
Welcome to the mind map of all the solution elements brainstorm. This is part of the YOUNG EUROSAI 2013 congress held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
This mind map is available to click and read through as a website and also as PDF.
  • Navigating within this mindmap website
  • Via branches one is able to navigate throughout the website.
  • One can start with the branche at one o’clock.
  • Via the breadcrumbs at the top of each page, one gets info on which topic is displayed.
  • Via those breadcrumbs one is able to navigate
  • Via the back button one is able to go back one step in history.
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